The Real Tragedy of Design Education: A response Jony Ive's statements
“So many of the designers that we interview don't know how to make stuff, because workshops in design schools are expensive and computers are cheaper. That's just tragic, that you can spend four years of your life studying the design of three dimensional objects and not make one.” - Jony Ive "Design Education is Tragic Says Jony Ive" This is the quote from Apple industrial designer Jonathan Ive being shared this past week. You can read the full article about his recent talk in the UK. As a design educator I have two different responses, one is to the content of his message and secondly to the messenger that it is coming from. First off, the statement is a broad generalization of every design school in the world, which is unfair. Design schools are quite different from each other, each with it own focus and philosophy of educational methodology. Although this generalization is his perception based on the portfolios that he has seen. And when on...