Industrial Design Education in Africa

Industrial Design Education in Africa

I have also arranged to advise and evaluate the first product design program in the country at the Kyambogo University in Kampala. I will be meeting with faculty assist them in development of plans for a product design curriculum. This could perhaps have greater impact than just a bicycle design. Instead of a Western designer trying to design for an African problem, it’s Africans who should be designing their own products. This is beginning to happen around the world, as design centers for Nokia are being established to create designs that are sensitive and appropriate to their local market. This is a far better solution than to have products that were originally designed for Westerners forced upon other cultures. However, in order to have African designers, we first need design education. This is an opportunity to make a large impact on design education in a part of the world where design education is in its early stages.


Anonymous said…
where do i sign up ?

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