Hoima Bicycle Documentary on IMDB

Hoima Bicycle is listed on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and if you've seen it, please consider giving it a rating.  It needs 5 user ratings to be given a number.  (You can be honest, it was my first documentary.)  If you haven't, it's posted on Youtube in 4 parts...

This documentary shows the process of designing a bicycle for and with Ugandan bicycle couriers, known as Boda-boda. Filmed primarily in Uganda, it shows the realities of current day East Africa, from the chaotic streets of Kampala to the inside of gritty mud-thatched homes in rural Hoima. In Uganda many residents use cheap, clunky bicycles for their primary means of transportation. Through a unique collaboration between an American designer and Ugandan couriers, a new bicycle design was conceived and a prototype was made. The designer then traveled to Uganda to meet the couriers and to have the bike tested and critiqued. Would they like it? Or is it back to the drawing board? How can you use your talents and skills to help the poor of the world?

Winner Best Documentary short of Northwest Projections Film Festival 2009. Screened at the IDSA International Conference, Pheonix, AZ, USA. National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Annual Conference 2010, San Francisco, CA.

If you would like a DVD of the complete documentary (30 minutes) it is available on Amazon: 

Meanwhile, I'll be completing the Walter D. Teague Documentary script this summer and editing will begin in September!


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