Visit to the Bodas families

August 31st, 2007

We have uploaded a new video of the safari. it's just the highlights, and we'll have more to show when we return.

Today we visited the homes of most of the Bodas. They have been very welcoming and friendly. Some live in mud huts with steel roofs, some live in tiny brick homes. No running water, no electricity, no lights, no kitchen. Just a fire pit outside and some pots for cooking.

They gave us many gifts of fruit and vegetables (sugar cane stalks, avocado, pinapple, motoke, and others) And get this, they gave me four live chickens as gifts! I didn't know what to say or do. I've never even held a chicken before! It was very funny and yet generous. We're experiencing things that a tourist would never see. Amazing.

We're going to another city for this special consecration service and will be staying in a hotel for two nights. I don't know if the hotel has internet access. So I may not be able to email until monday when we return to Hoima.

We are running on batteries right now because we just lost electricity, so I will send this while I still can.


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